On Lucid Dreaming

2024 Dec 1 See all posts

On Lucid Dreaming

Recently I have re-watched the award winning scifi movie Inception that has been directed by Christopher Nolan. The movie plot as well as the tech they have used were really fascinating. The idea of constructing and controlling a persons subconscious mind did really struck with me. I genuinely had to do some research on this, as I was hyped up.

I then came around with the proven concept of Lucid Dreaming. So Lucid Dreaming is a state that can take place when you are aware that you are dreaming. Resulting you can force your subconscious mind to alter the dream arbitrarily to any of your likings. For example lucid dreamers can study during their dreams or solve complex riddles.

Digging into the rabbit hole

After some refined and more in-depth research, I found a company called PropheticAI that essentially builds a headset that can induce coherent and vivid lucid dreams at any moment. They do this using novel ultrasound technology. Apparently they have even an own AI model called MORPHEUS-1, that can classify REM sleep/dreaming phase based on live EEG and fMRI data. However, that is not all. Prophetic plans to allow the dreamer to induce custom lucid dreams with a predefined environment. How sick is this?!

Lucid Dreaming Tech

To actually get into a lucid dreaming state, I have found and put together this list of techniques.

When things get wild…

There is even more cool stuff. For example, in the movie Inception, the lucif dreamers constructed a layered environment with 3 or 4 layers of dreams within a dream. Even this is possible in real life. It is part of a method called DILD (Dream Induced Lucid Dreams) where a lucid dreamer adds a false awakening that shifts into another dream.

Then there is lots of other crazy and cool stuff that you can do such as Astral Projection, Dream Teleportation, exploring Alien worlds, studying for an upcoming exam and entering the Lucid Void / Limbus.

I want to become a Dream Architect/Engineer

I think the neuroscience space and research of the human subconscious mind opens us so many new doors and ways on how we can extend the horizon from whats known. In my opinion, an utopian future, where we can seamlessly control and construct our dreams to our own likings, sounds so cool. Imagine just working during sleep. Technically the body still is in REM-sleep and the subconscious mind emulates the dream, so that means that still while working in the dream, the body relaxes itself. So it would be technically effortless working.

I mean just think about it. We are spending around 33% of the day/year sleeping. Imagine an economy where we could optimize and construct our dreams to pick up work. This could boost the yearly US GDP of $100 trillion to nearly ~$133 trillion dollar per year with nearly any effort.

The option of investing into this space and learn more to become a “Dream Architect/Engineer” sounds extremely compelling to me and is definitely something that I will watch precisely in the upcoming years. I will definitely continue my research on this.