Personal notes on Podman

2024 Dec 1 See all posts

Personal notes on Podman

Podman is really cool. I have just recently stumbled upon it, since I was looking for a good docker alternative. It is really fast and lightweight. Here are my personal notes on Podman.

Installing Podman

To install Podman you need to be on an Unix like Debian or Ubuntu. I am on Ubuntu so this will be the install command for me.

sudo apt-get install podman -y

After that you can verify the installation with the following command.

podman --version

Creating an Image

To create an Image, we will need to create a Dockerfile. Here is mine.

FROM debian:latest

RUN apt update && \
    apt install -y git curl && \
    apt clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

CMD ["bash"]

This will pull the latest version of Debian, install Git and Curl and then launch a bash shell. To build the image from this Dockerfile we can run this command.

podman build --tag <name-of-image-here> .

After that you can list all available images with podman images.

Running a Container

To create and run a container based on the newly created image, you can run this command.

podman run --interactive -t <name-of-image-here>